Monday, April 12, 2010

Caffeine and stimulants can cause prostate problems

Benign Prostate Enlargement (BPE) is a condition where the prostate gland located under the pelvis and surrounding a duct through which men urinate can become inflated and cause discomfort. This can lead to poor bladder control and Erectile Dysfunction (ED).

This can be caused by high intake of caffeine like coffee or soda. Cold and allergy medicine which contains anti histamine (ephedrine) can also cause this. They both causes your prostate to enlarge.

Try reducing intake of the above and see if you prostate problem is reduced. I also found that illegal stimulants like Ecstasy (MDMA), Amphetamine, Meth Amphetamine (Syabu) also causes ED, probably through some effect on the prostate as well as the central nervous system.

I now try to eliminate or reduce the intake of the above to have a healthy sex life as well as a healthy heart.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Had a good run in February where I got my work ethics and confidence back. However there were a few distraction where I lost my focus. Now I am trying to get back again.

I am learning now that whatever I focus on, that is who I am! I am starting to believe that I am not "who I am". I am "what I do and what I focus on". If I want to be a good father, I have to focus on it and just do things that makes me a good father. I know it sounds so simple, but this is all it is. Just do things, one by one... Over time, I AM a good father!! Simple yeah?

Another important lesson is "If I cannot change the world, I can change the world I look at it". This is so important. Not everyone will think the way I think. Not everything will happen the way I want it to happen. I can do my best to make things better but if I cannot, I must accept it and try to make the best of it. When things dont go your way and you have tried your best, the best thing to do is to "spin" it so that it gives the best result. A good friend of mine taught me that I should be most grateful for the people who causes me the most pain or grief. Why? Because they are the ones that can teach you most about yourself and about life. You learn most how you should react and learn from life from difficult situation and people.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Poems by Kids around the world

Im trying to publish these stories as quickly as I can and I find that putting it on blogspot gets it indexed in the search engine quicky... so here goes...

Children's Poems page 1>
Children's Poems page 2>
Children's Poems page 3>
Children's Poems page 4>
Children's Poems page 5>
Children's Poems page 6>
Children's Poems page 7>
Children's Poems page 8>
Children's Poems page 9>

Children are Poets Too page 1>
Children are Poets Too page 2>
Children are Poets Too page 3>
Children are Poets Too page 4>
Children are Poets Too page 5>
Children are Poets Too page 6>
Children are Poets Too page 7>
Children are Poets Too page 8>
Children are Poets Too page 9>

StoryTeller Stories by Kids

These are old stories from my old web site. I lost the web pages to them due to some server problem in 1997 and didnt bother reviving them. Since I got my confidence and work ethics back, I have restored the database, rewrote the topic & story pages in PHP (it was previously in Java servlets) and brought back 50,000 kids stories written since 1997!!!!

Im an Expert Stories Page 1
Im an Expert Stories Page 2
Im an Expert Stories Page 3

Great Stories about anything Page 1
Great Stories about anything Page 2
Great Stories about anything Page 3
Great Stories about anything Page 4
Great Stories about anything Page 5
Great Stories about anything Page 6

J.C. - Bought in Blood
Karleigh Friel - "YOUR MY ANGEL"
Latine - Me and a Book
Steven - Another Day
Megan - Dreams
Kim - untitled
Megan - The Game of Politics
Floneisha Thomas - Grandmother
Alli Watson - Just A Dream
Tashara - Love
Violetta - My sister is a rebel
Emily - Windows
Samara - Truth
Megan - Another Try
Samara - Understand
Dennis - Australia
Chela - Me
Ameera - The Cats' Freedom War: Revenge
nikki - super rosie and wonder kitty p
Ash - Prayer Of Love
Jade Goodes - Why does she have to go?
jackie - My Dog Nicky
Cara - Onion
Megan - Color Reactions
sandra - first school days
Rachel - The wonders of a stream
Steve Stenzhorn - The Aspects of Life
Svetii - Best Friends
Johnathon - Fear
Sally - The Flying Seashells-Part One
Elise - The Great Darkness - chapter 5
Lizzy - If
Christina - The Legend of the Shadows (par
louise peacock - i am sooooo ugly
Anna - Fangs On Red #7 (This time it'
Tracey Yeung - The Letters (Chapter 7,8)
Minami - The White Assasins Part 4:The
Anna - All But One 5
Wendy - I have a pet
Ksenia - The Doll (part 5)
J.C. Barson - The Oogleburger.
tobias - forest awakening
Rachel - Cliqued (Chapter 1 Part 1)
Shateria - The Day I Was Ten Feet tall
gretchen - The Big Adventure - Chapter On
Julia - The Disappearing Girl Part 4
Lauren - The Caves-pt 12
FollowYourDreams - The Bully: Second Half of Ch.
Anna - Another Side #6: The Attack
Amy - Spolit prt 2
C. Juster - HACKER HAVOC: The Legend Of Br
Breanna - The Chinese Fireball
Erin Norris - The Powerpuff Girls Go To Mars
Laura - The Kiko Story
Steve - the powers that be prologue -
Kayla - haoolllween
Leanne - Silent #9
Alexa - My Dad

Getting Better

Things are starting to turn around. I am able to work 12 hours days again. Something just clicked and I can focus and work through problems. In Jan & Feb, I revived an old site, finished a new project and starting another.

I am back to my old self again!!