Wednesday, December 9, 2009

You are what you think

The last 3-4 weeks, I have been exposed to lies, treachery, sadness, heartache on an extreme level. I have gone "crazy" and reacted badly in ways I never imagined I would stoop to. This is one of the most valuable lessons I have in my life to date.

I got crazy because I followed my basic instinct and just reacted and constantly ask stupid why questions. E.g., why are they doing this? why is this happening to me? why can't they see this is wrong?....

After all that, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot control or understand why people do things. I now choose to accept that people do things for reasons beyond my understanding. There is no right or wrong because I'm not in their shoes. I can only accept what they do as their right (even if what they did is hateful to me). I can only choose how I think about it. I now refuse to think in terms of stupid whys. I now choose to ask better questions like how can I learn from the situation. What good can I make out of it? How can I be a better man and choose a better path and maybe lead others out of it?

By doing this, I can direct my emotions to a better place. I now believe we can choose to hate or love, be angry or be at peace, be hurt by others or understand them, etc. It is up to me. Everything starts and end with me.